Pink Handheld Milk Frother
Whip your lattes into shape with our custom 3-speed handheld milk frother. Creating frothy drinks at home is now easier than ever with our NEW Blendsmiths Handheld Milk Frother which can be used effectively with all our blends to create the ideal foamy latte texture.
WHAT'S INSIDE THE BOX * 3 Speed Body Machine * Balloon Whisk Head * Hook Whisk Head * Double Spring Whisk Head *
USB Cable RECOMMENDED We recommend adding powder and water to a mug with high walls to prevent splashing. Submerge the Double Spring Whisk Head into your liquid before turning it on, and froth away. In a separate jug, froth the milk using the Balloon Whisk Head and pour over the liquid in the cup. The two powerful whisk heads create the perfect micro-foam for any type of hot or cold drink.
The Blendsmiths NEW milk frother is a must have in your kitchen for creating those latte style foam drinks.
Plant A Tree With Sanctuary when purchasing this item.